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Seed Facts

Seed Facts

Flax seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids (essential for good health). They are also rich in anticancer lignans, and their mucilage lubricates and eases bowel movements. Flax seeds and sesame seeds contain more lignans than any other food. These plant compounds bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with the cancer-promoting effects of estrogen on breast tissue. They also have a strong anti-oxidant effect. If you choose not to use them whole, it is best to grind your own at home. Keep them in the freezer to retain their freshness. Scientific studies reveal that when flax seeds are given to women with breast cancer, the women show reduced tumor growth and enhanced survival rate, compared to women not given flax seeds.

Sunflower seeds are extremely rich in vitamin E, selenium, iron, and other minerals. With 22 percent of calories from protein and rich in the amino acid tryptophan, sunflower seeds are a healthy way that vegetarians, vegans, flexitrians (near-vegans) and nutritarians (people that eat very low amounts of animal products) can ensure that they get sufficient protein.

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of omega-3s, are high in phytochemicals, and are rich in zinc, calcium, and iron.

Sesame seeds have the highest level of calcium of any food in the world.They not only have a highly absorbable full spectrum of various vitamin E fractions, but they increase the bioactivity of vitamin E in the body.

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