Allergy Elimination

Allergy Elimination

What is an Allergy?

An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity for one individual towards one or more substances that are in one’s living environment which may be harmless or even beneficial to the majority of other people. In other words, an allergy is an imbalance between the electrical magnetic energy of the person and the substance causing the unpleasant physical response and or psychological reactions in the person’s body. An allergy can be an inherent condition or a predisposition to certain substances. The allergy itself may not manifest until a later date. The age of onset of an allergy can depend on the degree of inheritance. The stronger the genetic factor, the earlier in life the probability of onset. Studies have shown when both parents are allergy sensitive, 75 to 100% of their offspring react to those same allergens. When neither of the parents are sensitive to allergens the probability of producing the allergenic offspring drops dramatically to less than 10%. Most of us suffer from allergenic manifestation in varies degrees because of our different levels of parental inheritance. In some cases, even when the parents have no allergies their offspring still suffers from many allergies since birth. In these cases the parents may suffer from some serious disease or condition, pregnant mothers may have been exposed to harmful substances or may have suffered severe emotional trauma, the parents may have suffered from malnutrition. It is estimated that 50% of the population throughout the world suffer from some form of allergies. The term allergy is used to signify a physical or emotional response when a person comes into contact with something in his environment that causes a noticeable reaction in his body. The term sensitivity is used to signify that a person may have some mild reaction that may or may not be noticeable to him or others but will affect the person’s health to some degree.

The conventional approach to test for allergies

Anyone that has had allergies probably knows the standard testing done for allergies. Allergy testing involves having a skin or blood test to find out what substance, or allergen that may trigger an allergy response in a person. Skin tests are usually done because they’re more rapid and generally less expensive than blood tests, but either test may be used.

Skin test

A small amount of a suspected allergen is placed on or below the skin to see if a reaction develops. There are three types of skin test:

  1. Skin prick test: This test is done by placing a drop of solution containing a possible allergen on the skin, and a series of scratches or needle pricks allow the solution to enter the skin. If the skin develops a red, rash itchy area (called a welt), it usually means that the person is allergic to that allergen. This is called a positive reaction.
  2. Intra-dermal test. During this test, a small amount of allergen solution is injected into the skin. A transdermal allergy test may be done when a substance does not cause a reaction in the skin prick test but is still suspected as an allergen for that person. The transdermal test is more sensitive than the skin prick test but is more often positive in people who do not have symptoms to an allergen (faults – positive test results).
  3. Skin patch test. For a skin patch test, the allergen solution is placed on a pad that is taped to the skin for 24 to 72 hours. This test is used to detect a skin allergy called contact dermatitis.

Blood test

Allergy blood tests look for substances in the blood called antibodies. Blood tests are not as sensitive as skin test but are often used for people who are not able to have skin test. The most common type of blood test used is the enzyme – linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, EIA). It measures the blood level of a type of antibody (called immunoglobulin E, or IgE) that the body makes in response to certain allergens. IgE levels are often higher in people who have allergens or asthma.

Nonstandard or alternative approach to testing for allergies

There are nonstandard methods or alternative methods to test for allergies and sensitivities. Since all allergies, matter of fact everything on this planet including you has an electrical magnetic fields around it. Each electrical magnetic field is unique to that particular item or substance. This electrical magnetic field of the suspected substance can interfere with the body’s electrical magnetic fields and can cause an allergy reaction. All items can be checked by a unique method called Applied Kinesiology, AK. This simply means muscle testing for a positive or negative response. If somebody has a negative response to an item in their environment this will make their muscles to go slightly weak. This testing is usually done by a doctor trained in Applied Kinesiology; you could learn to test yourself. This method has been around for approximately 25 to 30 years and was discovered by Dr. Goodhart out of Michigan. Virtually anything can be tested. Since all items on this planet have electrical magnetic fields the testing can also be done by specialized computer programs. The computer is attached to reflex points (energy points) on the body and the computer literally goes through hundreds or thousands of different items checking the body’s sensitivity to them. These nonstandard or alternative approaches to testing for allergies is safe and effective, causes no physical disruption to the person being checked, and are very cost-effective. For more information on muscle testing for allergies read Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad’s book, “Say Goodbye to Illness”, chapter 7 .(This book can be purchased from this website, go to the store.)

Allergy Treatments

The standard method of treating allergies is basically to suppress the symptoms with medication. This could be by mouth, shots, patch and/or drops.  These are the standard method of treatment for handling allergy symptoms. Unfortunately this approach only handles the symptoms and does not reduce and eliminate the sensitivity to the allergen. With this approach the person will continue to have to take medications to suppress their symptoms for the rest of their life or learn to live with it. This could be prescribed medication or over-the-counter medication. This accepted standard method of treatment will not permanently eliminate the allergy symptoms. There is a much better way to handle allergies that will reduce and eliminate allergy symptoms. This method was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad who wrote her first book on the subject in 1993. This method is known as NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques) and has been around for 18 to 20 years. Many people have had their allergies eliminated and no longer suffer from allergy symptoms. This technique explained in a nutshell, basically reprograms the body’s electrical system so it is no longer sensitive to a particular allergen. The technique is safe and effective for any age. The technique is derived from acupuncture but no needles need to be used. It works with the bodies meridian points (electrical pathways in the body), which were mapped out in acupuncture. Reintroducing the electrical magnetic field of the allergen back to the body would be called a clearing. There is no discomfort to the person; you will not feel any “electrical shock” or anything like that. It is safe and painless.


A clearing is done when someone has an allergy or sensitivity to a food or the environment. The allergy or sensitivity will cause energy blocks that occur in the meridians (meridians are energy pathways in the body). The doctor or technician will  re-introduce the electrical magnetic field of the allergen (Example eggs) back to the person’s body. This is done either manually by muscle testing and stimulating the meridian points or can be done with a cold laser that carries the frequency of the allergen. The meridians pick up the frequency and “clears” the body, in other words it reprograms the body’s electrical system so the person is no longer allergic or sensitive to the allergen. The person must stay away from that allergen for 25 hours. It will take 25 hours before the item is “cleared”. After 25 hours the person is no longer allergic or sensitive to the item that was cleared. This allows them to live an allergy free life. There may also be some underlying issues in the body that would need to be addressed with nutrition to keep the person healthy enough so they can live allergy free.

I have personally worked with hundreds of people to clear them of their allergies and help them live an allergy free life. This approach can change a person’s life.

Call my office for your phone consultation or an appointment

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